Republicans outline views, goals, accomplishments
at GOP luncheon(March 11, 2008)
(excerpt from article on February FRWLC
speakers, written for the Ruidoso News)
By Genevieve Duncan, Special to the Ruidoso
Earl Greer, candidate for the 2nd Congressional
District, urged voters to examine carefully
the character and past records of the
individual candidates, because they all
espouse conservative positions, including
low taxes. His stated reason for scrutinizing
the principles that drive each candidate
was that a voting record doesn’t reflect
everything they do, how they conduct themselves
or what deals they cut for a vote.
He pointed out that the further their
duties take them from their constituency,
the more difficult it is to monitor
their actions. Voters see their city
and county officials frequently, but
when legislators go to Santa Fe or Washington,
they are less accessible.
A Realtor in Truth or Consequences,
Greer shared the factors that molded
his character. Coming from a farming
and ranching family, whose New Mexico
roots date back to the 1500s, he told
of his early introduction to what was
required to be successful. At 7, he
took out his first bank loan to buy
chickens so he could sell eggs. His
parents showed him how to budget, using
envelopes for eachcategory. By age 9,
he had saved enough to open a checking
account and buy a 4-H Club calf. His
mother insisted that he balance each
statement to the penny. That introduced
him to the importance of a balanced
budget, he said.
At high school graduation, through
the sale of a calf each of the nine
intervening years, he had saved enough
money to pay for his college education.
Greer delineated the three principles
that drive him as love of God, love
of his family - the family unit - and
love of country. Three qualities he
pledged to bring to Washington are conservatism,
statesmanship and leadership.