by Heath Haussamen
Heath Haussamen on New Mexico Politics Posted 4/03/2008 08:00:00 AM
Former U.S. Rep. Ed Foreman, a Republican who represented congressional districts in Texas and New Mexico in the 1960s, has endorsed C. Earl Greer in the Second Congressional District race.
"e;Earl Greer has the grit, guts and gumption to do the kind of results-oriented job that New Mexicans have grown to expect from their Washington representatives in the likes of Joe Skeen, Steve Pearce, and Senator Pete Domenici," Foreman said in a news release from the Greer campaign.
He called Greer an "experienced, honest, hard-working, dependable leader" who will do New Mexico and America "a great service."
Greer, also a Republican, said he was "flattered" by the endorsement.
"His previous experience in the U.S. House of Representatives has given him a unique viewpoint in this election, and he feels that I am the best qualified of all the candidates in this election," Greer said.
Foreman, a prominent motivational speaker who now lives in Texas, was born in Portales and attended Eastern New Mexico University and New Mexico State University. He served in the Navy and was president of several businesses before getting into politics.
He was elected to serve a Texas congressional district that includes El Paso in 1962 and served a single term before being defeated. In 1968, he won a single term in Congress representing New Mexico’s southern district before being defeated in 1970 by Harold Runnels.